ELEKTRIKLI ALT BATTANIYENIN KULLANIMI "Alt battaniye, yastik altindan omuz seviyesinden baslayarak yatadin zerine kallanmayacak ve-veya kirismayacak bir sekilde serilmelidir . Alt battaniyenin üzerine hava geçiren bir sarsal serilmelidir, Garsaf, yalagin altina sikistinimalidir. „Alt battaniye üzerine carsaf serilmeden alt battaniye dogrudan Kullanilmaz • Streç çarsaf, naylon v.b hava almayacak malzemeler kullanilmaz • Fis takildiktan sonra anahtar Sicak (2) Konumuna getirilirse yataginiz 20 dk içerisinde isinmis olacaktir. • Cok yuksek gelen sicakliklardan anahtar Sicaklik Ayari (1) konumuna getirilmelidir. Alt battaniye Kendi boyutundan daha küçük yalaklar için kullanilmaz. „Battaniyeniz: Kullanim disindayken prize bagli kalmamalicir ÖNEMLI UYARILAR! • Battaniyenizin 1sinip isinmadigt yalak üzerine serildigi ve üstü yorgan ile örtüldügü taktirde anlagilir. Ustü agik ürün isisini belli etmez. • Uluslararasi standartlara uygun güvenilir ve saglikir ürünlerin gikabilecegi en yüksek ist, vücut isisint gegmeyecek sekilde olmalidir. Battaniyenizin 1SiSI, uvurken sizi rahatsiz elmeyecek bir seviyede olup battaniyenizi gece boyunca ILIK (1) konumunda çalisir vaziyelle kullanmanizi oneririz. • Fazia ve-veya hizli isinma durumlarinda ürününüzù kullanmayarak kontrol edilmesini saglayiniz. Bu uruin fe Tigh, her hangi bir artza glusmasi durumunda aldiginiz salis noktasi ve-veya pizimile «libala geciniz. K& Stlikie urüne herhangi bir müdahalede bulunmayiniz ve-veya bulunulmasina izin vermeyiniz. • Üründe kullanilan bilesenler (rezistans, anahlar, kablo v.s) belirli testerden gecirilmis ve bu urün için ozel üretilmis bilesenterdir. • Uretici sinda a plan mudahale, tamirat veya bak m stemleri sadece garantiyi geçersiz Kilmakla kalmaz, can ve mal güvenlignizi tehlikeye atabilir • Asiri isinmaya karst üstün güvenlik koruma sistemi. • Yataga düz ve katlanmadan serilmelidir. • Üzerine çarsaf veya nevresim serilmelidir. Dogrudan elektrikli battanive üzerine yatilmaz • Katli ve kirisik kullanmayiniz! • Üstünüze organ örtülü degilken isindigi anlagilmaz. • 3 Yas alti çocuklar için kullanmayiniz. • Overheat protection with added safty. • The electric underblanket should be laid out flat on the bed. . A bed sheet should be covered on the electric underblanket. The electric underblanket is not to laid directly. • Do not use folded and wrinkled. • Whether the electric underblanket is heated up or not connot be determined when you are not covered with a blanket or quilt. • Do not use the electric underblanket on children under 3 years of age. INSTRUCTION FOR USE • The electric under blankel should be laid out onto the bed, starting from the shoulder level in way not to be wrinkled and or folded. • An air permeable bed sheet, should be laid down on the electric underblanket. The bed sheet should be tucked under the bed. In this manner the elektric underblanket shall be fixed between the bed and the bed sheel thus any folding or wrinklig shall be prela • The electric underblanket should not be used directly withol a bed sheet onto it. • Materials such as stretchable linens, nylon etc. Which may not.be permeable should not be used with the electric underblanket. • When the controller is set to hot" (2) setting after the electric underblanket is plugged in, your bed will be warm enough for you to fell the heat when you lay on the product withing half an hour. • If the temperature is to hot, the controller must be switch to the "warm" (1) setting. This is the temperature level that you can sleep safely until the morning • The electric underblanket should not be used in beds, smaller then the size of the product itself. When not in use, plug must be pulled of from the electric socket. WARNING! • Whether your electric underblanket is heating up properly or not can only be ascertained when the product is laid onto about and a quilt is covered onto it. The electric undeblanket does not manifest heat when not covered. ©️ The highest temperature that the safe and reliable products that are in compliance with the international standaris provide should not exceed your own body temprature. The heat that your eleciric underblanket raidates is at a level that do not disturb you when you are sleeping. thus we recommend you use your electric underblanket throughout the night at warm (1) setting • In case of excessive and-or rapid heating, do not continue using your product and have it checked In case of any technical issues or malfunctions regarding this product, please contact with the sales point or manufacturer immediately. Do not try to alter or repair the product or do not allow the product repaired or altered buy any unauthorized party The components used in the product (such as healing element, controller ele.) are specific parts that have been tested and approved. •Any unauthorized alteration in the electric underblanket (including repairs) does not only void the warranty but olso may pose risk for your life and property
Dönem içi en ucuz fiyat: 14 Kasım 2024 tarihinde 355
Dönem içi en pahalı fiyat: 26 Aralık 2024 tarihinde 494
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