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The Wall Paintings Of The Church Of St. Nicholas In Demre

The Wall Paintings Of The Church Of St. Nicholas In Demre
Mağaza: D&R
Son Fiyatı: 1800.00 TL

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Ürün bilgileri

FOREWORD INTRODUCTION HISTORY SOURCES, STUDIES, and PROBLEMS THE WALL PAINTING'S LAYERS Apse, Bema, Naos, Side Aisles, Northeastern and Southwestern Corners, and Esonarthex1st, 2nd, and 3rd Southeastern ChapelsEvaluation of the LayersWALL PAINTINGSTHE CHURCHNaosMain ApseNortheastern CornerSide AislesNorthern Side AisleSouthern Side AisleSouthern External NaveSouthwestern CornerEsonarthexSOUTHEASTERN CHAPELS1st Southeastern Chapel2nd Southeastern Chapel3rd Southeastern ChapelBURIAL CHAMBERWESTERN COURTYARD ARCOSOLIUMNORTHERN ANNEXES1st Northern Annex3rd Northern AnnexStructure D; Area D1ICONOGRAPHIC ANALYSISSCENESNortheastern CornerEsonarthex3rd Southeastern ChapelBurial ChamberWestern Courtyard ArcosoliumFIGURESSouthern External NaveEsonarthexSoutheastern Chapels1st Southeastern Chapel2nd Southeastern Chapel3rd Southeasterns ChapelBurial ChamberNorthern Annexes : 1st Northern AnnexStructure D, Area D1SYMBOLIC IMAGESGnostic Cross (Baptismal Cross)Cross with Curved BranchesCandleMOTIFSVegetal MotifsGeometric MotifsVegetal and Geometric MotifsIMITATIONSImitations of CurtainsImitations of MarbleIII. PAINTING PROGRAM ANALYSIS OF PAINTING PROGRAMNortheastern CornerSide AislesEsonarthexSoutheastern ChapelsBurial ChamberWestern Courtyard ArcosoliumNorthern AnnexesEVALUATION OF PAINTING PROGRAMSTYLE11th CENTURY WALL PAINTING12th CENTURY WALL PAINTING13th CENTURY WALL PAINTINGSTYLISTIC EVALUATIONTECHNIQUECONCLUSION LIST OF FIGURES, PLANS AND DRAWINGS FIGURES PLANS DRAWINGS APPENDIX: CONSOLIDATION, CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION OF THE WALL PAINTINGS LIST OF FIGURES OF APPENDIXFIGURES OF APPENDIX ABBREVIATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX   (Tanıtım Bülteninden)  )

Fiyat Geçmişi

Dönem içi en ucuz fiyat: 23 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde 960

Dönem içi en pahalı fiyat: 12 Şubat 2025 tarihinde 1800