Kagome is an ordinary modern schoolgirl living an ordinary life. Who would have thought the dried-up old well on the site of her family's shrine would be a gateway to Japan's ancient past? Drawn through the gate against her will, Kagome finds herself battling demons for control of what she thought was a worthless trinket but is actually a powerful magical gem, the Shikon Jewel! Together with an unlikely ally, the half demon Inuyasha, Kagome begins a quest to recover the shards of the Shikon Jewel and learn more about her link to the past.Inuyasha and friends lose a mortal enemy, but not before they receive a shocking message. Then Inuyasha and Sesshomaru learn the story behind their blades' awesome powers...one that is yet to be finished as the truth pits brother against brother. Meanwhile, their arch-nemesis Naraku strives to corrupt the spark of purity Kikyo managed to instill in the Shikon Jewel. Things get briefly less serious when Shippo enters a fox demon competition... Kagome learns a piece of critical lore about the Shikon Jewel - as well as the secret behind the incredible powers she cannot access. But then Naraku takes on a particularly malevolent new form! (Tanıtım Bülteninden) )
Dönem içi en ucuz fiyat: 29 Ocak 2022 tarihinde 166.36
Dönem içi en pahalı fiyat: 25 Şubat 2025 tarihinde 738.23
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