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Infostar Toolmaxx TM46132-1 18V 2400mAh Nicd Pil Grubu

İNFOSTAR Toolmaxx TM46132-1 18V 2400mAh Nicd Pil Grubu
Store: hepsiburada
Last Price: 443.78 USD

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Product info

Tnl Toolmaxx TM46132-1 18V 2400mAh Nicd Pil Grubu ÜRÜN AÇIKLAMASI Toolmaxx TM46132-1 18v 2400mAH TNL NiCD Pil Grubu Ürün Özellikleri Voltaj : 18v Kapasite : 2400mAH Pil Hücre Tipi: Ni-Cd 1 Pil Boyutu : 43mm x 23mm Pil Boyutu 4.3cm x 2.3cm dir.

Price History

Cheapest price in the interval: 216.59 on November 25, 2021

Most expensive price in the interval: 443.78 on September 30, 2022