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Chattel Cht 4260 Darbesiz Torklu Vidalama

Chattel Cht 4260 Darbesiz Torklu Vidalama
Store: hepsiburada
Last Price: 348.75 USD

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Product info

Chattel Cht 4260 Darbesiz Torklu Vidalama CHT 4260 DARBESİZ TORKLU VİDALAMA<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"/> Watt :                                     260 W. Delme Kapasitesi :               10 mm. Hız :                                       0 – 2800 d/dk. Dönüş Yönü :                        Elektronik Sağ – Sol Ağırlık :                                 1.31 kg.

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