'I am sure that it is not necessar y for me, at this late day, to dwell upon the fact that I am an enthusiast in my devotion to hunting and fishing, as well as ever y other kind of outdoor recreation. I am so proud of this devotion that, although my sporting proclivities have at times subjected me to criticism and petty forms of persecution, I make no claim that my steadfastness should be looked upon as manifesting the courage of martyrdom. On the contrar y, I regard these criticisms and persecutions as nothing more serious than gnat stings suffered on the bank of a stream vexations to be borne with patience and afterward easily submerged in the memor y of abundant delightful accompaniments. Thus, when short fishing excursions, in which I have sought relief from the wearing labors and perplexities of official duty, have been denounced in a mendacious newspaper as dishonest devices to cover scandalous revelry, I have been able to enjoy a sort of pleasurable contempt for the author of this accusation, while congratulating myself on the mental and physical restoration.' (Tanıtım Bülteninden) )
Dönem içi en ucuz fiyat: 5 Ekim 2021 tarihinde 19.55
Dönem içi en pahalı fiyat: 5 Nisan 2024 tarihinde 211.2
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